အင္တာနက္ Cafe ဆိုင္ေတြအတြက္ အသံုးဝင္မယ့္ Software ပါ...
ကိုယ္အလိုရွိသလို အေသးစိတ္ ခ်ိန္ဆ Control ျပဳလုပ္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္.. Software အသံုးျပဳပံုအေသးစိတ္ကို ဒီေနရာမွာ ဝင္ေရာက္ေလ့လာႏိုင္ပါတယ္..။
(Download Link ကိုေရာက္ရင္
Internet Cafe provides all the features you need to run a successful gaming center or an Internet cafe. It does not annoy your customers with forced advertisements. It makes them enjoy and come back.
- Easy Setup Windows based with full support Use any Windows PC to install software. Developed on Windows 7, our software ensures compatibility from XP to latest Windows versions. Install server part on your central computer from which you want to control all other clients computers.
Number of Clients (Simultaneous Users) Each License includes a Server and specified number of client computers. You can add more clients to any edition on a buy page. If you have 10 computers, 5 consoles, and wish to control 15 WiFi users, you need a license for 30 clients.
- Collecting payment from your customers * Play & Pay Prices * Pre-Paid Prices and Vouchers * Accept Credit Cards and PayPal payments * Convert between time, printed pages, megabytes * Control Your Wi-Fi Customers * Control and bill for printing * Bill for VoIP calls * Deploy Smart Cards for payments and login * Automatic control of late payments * More ..
- Manage users, computers, devices * Easily Generate User Accounts, Tickets and Refills * Configure Applications * Manage all your locations in one database * Employee Account Management * Blocked Windows Control * More ....
- Collecting usage information and statistics * Advanced Statistics and Reports * POS Statistics * Get Real-time usage reports * More ....
- Maximize your productivity * File Transfer * User Files * More...
- Customize the look and feel * Skins * Customizable Print Templates for Tickets, Bills and Reports * More...
- Market your business * Market your business * Promo Pricing & Happy Hour Configuration * More ...
- Monitor and Secure Your Network * Remote Control your computers * Activity Log * URL Tracking * More...
- Easily set up extra features * Share Your Internet Connection * Remote Internet Cafe Operator
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